The Unwelcome House Guests Affecting Your Health

Feb 27, 2022

Once upon a time, Pat, Tom, and Steve invited themselves into our home. It wasn’t like they knocked at the door and asked to come in.

Instead, while we weren’t looking, they let themselves in, brought all their junk, spread it around the house wherever they felt and made themselves at home.

Needless to say, they made a mess.

It was hard to climb over or around their junk.

Everything in the house became harder and longer to accomplish.

What used to be a simple walk up the stairs now involved tremendous effort and exhaustion.

It’s fair to say they were not welcome house guests.

Everyone’s life got harder, especially mine.

I became more irritable, tired and downright demotivated.

You’ve no doubt that Pat, Tom, and Steve, aren’t their real names.

And you’ve probably figured out these “house guests” aren’t really in my home. They were actually in my body, and not very welcome.

They created all kinds of turmoil, as they may be in you.

To find out what they are, and how best to “kick them out,” join me for the next Achieve True Health Group Coaching Call as part of the full 6-month program.

It’s a call we hold every two weeks for members to answer questions, share the latest research and help kick the “house guests” and other unwelcome intruders causing damage in your body.

You can get started for as little as $7 – click here to learn more

You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.