Kids and Caramel!!

Feb 28, 2022

Okay let’s get honest, the big kids in this family go for this as fast as the kiddos that make it.

Super easy with a high powered blender, thankfully because it goes quick!

We live in such a high demand quick paced world so nutritious and healing serves for every snack we get in. Adrenals are supported by eating fresh fruits and vegetables every hour to hour and a half. This snack fits the profile.

This snack is also beneficial for anyone trying to cut back on those processed sugars. There are beneficial sugars that feed all the parts of your body and are necessary for expressing true health. Try to reach for a piece of fruit, some dried dates, or a snack like this everyday and before you know it the processed sugars will not have as much appeal.

Date Caramel Sauce

3 cups Pitted Dates

½ cup Maple Syrup

⅛ teas Powdered Vanilla

Water to blend, only if necessary.

Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Serve with fresh cut apples, celery or fruit and vegetable of your choice. Be a kid again!