Elderberry Syrup for When the Seasons Change

Feb 27, 2022

The temperature differences especially in spring and fall can take a toll on the system. Leaving you more susceptible to flu viruses. Using elderberry syrup for month around these times can help you keep your immune system stronger.

I make a half gallon (recipe doubled) for my family each March and September. One once each day is great insurance to avoid down time.


Elderberry Syrup

1 cups dried elderberries

1 ½ inches cinnamon stick

5-10 clove buds (optional)

1/2 gallon water.

¼ – ⅔ cup honey


Add dried herbs to water in large pot.

Simmer until less than half liquid left, strain, cool and add honey to taste( ¼ – ½ cup is where I start). Keep in refrigerator for up to 3 months, in glass jar that is covered.