Another Aspect of Health-Join Me!!

Feb 28, 2022

What if by Monday morning you felt more peaceful, less stressed and ready to face the week?

Sound crazy? What if it’s the most sane thought you had?

Many of you know I’ve been a facilitator of The Work for years. I’ve helped dozens of people relieve stress and anxiety and I want to help you.

The Work is a simple yet powerful process of inquiry that teaches you to identify and question the thoughts that cause all the suffering in the world.

It’s a way to understand what’s hurting you, and to address the cause of your problems with clarity. In its most basic form, The Work consists of four questions and the turnarounds.

People who do The Work as an ongoing practice commonly report:

Alleviation of depression: Find resolution, even happiness, in situations that were once debilitating.

Decreased stress: Live with less anxiety or fear.

Improved relationships: Experience deeper connection and intimacy with your partner, your parents, your children, your friends, and yourself.

Reduced anger: Understand what makes you angry and resentful and become reactive less often, with less intensity.

Increased mental clarity: Live and work more intelligently and effectively, with integrity.

More energy: Experience a new sense of ongoing vigor and well-being.

More peace: Discover how to become “a lover of what is.”

If any of the above sound good to you, join me for a transformative virtual workshop

Friday September 22nd though Sunday September 24th.

The current schedule is:

Sept 22nd Friday evening 7pm-8:30pm MST

Sept 23rd Saturday morning 10am-12pm MST and 2pm-5pm MST

Sept 24th Sunday morning 10am-12pm MST and 2pm-4pm MST

Plus there will be some exercises you will be asked to do alone to further address your specific issues.

This is a powerful weekend of activities that result in immediate and lasting change.

PLEASE NOTE: Because of the intimate nature of this event, I only have room for a handful of people.

If you’re ready to reduce stress and anxiety and want more energy and peace, then reserve your spot today and

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Judy Koons

PS – I really have to keep the number of attendees to just a handful, so if any/all of the below sound good:

Alleviation of depression

Decreased stress

Improved relationships

Reduced anger

Increased mental clarity

More energy

More peace

… sign up today

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